Job Step delayed execution problem

  • Hi all!

    I have a weird behaviour that I'm having some trouble to identify...

    We have a process that creates jobs based on a queue of processes. Each job has 3 steps:

    -- The first executes a simple select statement:

    EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobstep @job_name = @nome_Job

    ,@step_name = 'INIT'

    ,@subsystem = 'TSQL'

    ,@command = 'SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT ''##START_TIME##'' + rtrim(cast(getdate() as char(40)))+''##START_TIME##'''

    ,@retry_attempts = 0

    ,@on_success_action = 3

    ,@retry_interval = 1

    ,@output_file_name = @log_file

    ,@flags = 4

    -- The Second, the code of the task

    EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobstep @job_name = @nome_Job

    ,@step_name = 'EXECUTION'

    ,@subsystem = 'TSQL'

    ,@command = @Step_Completo

    ,@retry_attempts = 0

    ,@retry_interval = 1

    ,@on_success_action = 1

    ,@on_fail_action = 3

    ,@output_file_name = @log_file

    ,@flags = 6

    -- The third and last, it's only run if one of the above fails:

    EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobstep @job_name = @nome_Job

    ,@step_name = 'ERROR'

    ,@subsystem = 'TSQL'

    ,@command = 'SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT ''Process End with ERROR'' SELECT ''##END_TIME##'' + rtrim(cast(getdate() as char(40)))+''##END_TIME##'''

    ,@retry_attempts = 0

    ,@on_success_action = 2

    ,@on_fail_action = 2

    ,@retry_interval = 1

    ,@output_file_name = @log_file

    ,@flags = 6

    IMPORTANT: All the steps are logged to local file.

    And now the issue!

    We identified this random behaviour:

    Job 'TASK ACME' : Step 1, 'INIT' : Began Executing 2016-12-03 20:18:23


    ##START_TIME##Dec 4 2016 12:16AM##START_TIME##

    Job 'TASK ACME' : Step 2, 'EXECUTION' : Began Executing 2016-12-04 00:16:02

    Does anyone has some clue how can we find why there are almost 4 hours of delay between the 'INIT' step starting and writing the string?!



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