• If a RequestId has been 'Closed', shouldn't the next RequestId have a different value? If they're all 46444, what's the point of this number?

    Please post your data in a consumable format in future, like this:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #test;

    CREATE TABLE #test


    requestid INT,

    eventdate DATETIME,

    eventname VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT #test







    (46444, '2016/08/08 10:20:33.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 10:33:10.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:09:55.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:32:41.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:39:01.000', 'CLOSED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:00:04.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:17:40.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:29:36.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:31:34.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:36:37.000', 'CLOSED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 17:04:27.000', 'OPENED');

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.