• Firstly, it would help if you provided data in a readily usable format.

    That said, this should do the trick.

    -- Create a table to house the demo data

    CREATE TABLE #Data (

    DataDate DATETIME

    , amount1 INT

    , amount2 INT


    -- Add the demo data

    INSERT INTO #Data ( DataDate, amount1, amount2 )


    ( '5/1/2016 12:00', 1, 1 )

    , ( '5/2/2016 12:00', 2, 1 )

    , ( '5/3/2016 12:00', 4, 1 )

    , ( '5/3/2016 12:00', 6, 1 )

    , ( '5/3/2016 12:00', 8, 2 )

    , ( '5/3/2016 12:03', 10, 1 )

    , ( '5/5/2016 12:00', 12, 21 )

    , ( '5/8/2016 12:00', 14, 1 )

    , ( '5/8/2016 12:30', 16, 1 )

    , ( '5/10/2016 12:00', 18, 4 )

    , ( '5/11/2016 14:00', 20, 4 )

    , ( '5/12/2016 12:00', 22, 4 )

    , ( '5/13/2016 12:00', 24, 4 )

    , ( '5/14/2016 12:00', 26, 4 )

    , ( '5/15/2016 12:00', 28, 4 )

    , ( '5/16/2016 12:00', 30, 4 )

    , ( '5/17/2016 12:00', 32, 4 )

    , ( '5/18/2016 12:00', 34, 4 )

    , ( '5/19/2016 12:00', 36, 4 );


    DECLARE @DF INT = @@DATEFIRST; -- Determine the current start day of the week.

    SET DATEFIRST 1; -- Set the week to start on Monday

    SELECT [week] = 'Week' + RIGHT(100 + DATEPART(wk, DataDate), 2)

    , sum(amount1), SUM(amount2)

    FROM #Data

    GROUP BY DATEPART(wk, DataDate);

    SET DATEFIRST @DF; -- Reset the startdate of the week to what it was.