sys.dm_tran_locks or How to avoid a TRUNCATE TABLE to be blocked

  • I have a couple of processes that will (re-)populate a table nightly - a simple TRUNCATE TABLE and INSERT INTO / SELECT FROM. There should not be any application activity at this time, but experience shows that occasionally, someone will leave something up that holds a lock. I'd like to "surgically" identify and kill any SPIDs that would cause the TRUNCATE to be blocked.

    I don't want to affect anything that won't stop the TRUNCATE (and subsequent INSERT INTO) operations, but I do want to make sure the operations succeed. It seems like overkill to kill all SPIDs and set the database in single user mode for this.

    It seems a very simple approach (not tested at this point) would be to simply look for SPIDs with entries in sys.dm_tran_locks, limiting it to the database (resource_database_id) and table (resource_associated_entity_id) in question, and eliminating the SPID of the process running the KILL.

    The table(s) in question will have a Primary Key (non-clustered) and a clustered, non-unique index.

    Do I need to look anywhere else? Do I need to also consider the possibility that an allocation unit, etc. with a resource_associated_entity_id different from the table I'm concerned with? Do I need to restrict to certain types of locks? Other concerns?

    What happens if the KILL SPID triggers a ROLLBACK? How do I monitor the rollback completion? If the transaction will remain in sys.dm_tran_locks until rollback is completed, is there a value that indicates it so I can implement waits?

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[KillSPIDsLockingTable]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))

    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[KillSPIDsLockingTable]


    CREATE PROCEDURE KillSPIDsLockingTable (

    @TableName sysname,

    @DatabaseName sysname = DB_NAME




    DECLARE @killspid INT

    SELECT TOP 1 @killspid = tl.request_session_id

    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks tl

    WHERE resource_database_id = DB_ID(@DatabaseName)

    AND resource_associated_entity_id = OBJECT_ID(@TableName)

    -- How about Allocation Units, HOBTs, items with other names?

    AND tl.request_session_id <> @@SPID



    --KILL @killspid

    PRINT @killspid-- Just testing ATM

    SELECT TOP 1 @killspid = tl.request_session_id

    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks tl

    WHERE resource_database_id = DB_ID(@DatabaseName)

    AND resource_associated_entity_id = OBJECT_ID(@TableName)

    -- How about Allocation Units, HOBTs, items with other names?

    AND tl.request_session_id <> @@SPID

    -- Exclude processes that are rolling back, possibly from an issued KILL?


    -- Wait for ROLLBACKS to complete after spids are killed...?



    --SELECT * FROM dbo.TestData AS td

    EXEC KillSPIDsLockingTable @TableName = 'dbo.TestData', @DatabaseName = 'TBTest'


    Tore Bostrup

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