• henryKrinkle (10/4/2016)

    D1, T1, C1, P1, ORDER1, LINE1, 100

    D1, T2, C1, P1, ORDER1, LINE1, 500

    D1, T3, C1, P1, ORDER1, LINE1, 100


    Thanks for your input.

    In an ideal world, yes, the lines would increment. This is a reflection of what my source system allows - it literally duplicates the line number. Adding my own line number would be okay but if I got anything wrong at ETL and ended up having duplicates in the fact table, it may be difficult to troubleshoot.


    Thus why you should deploy any solution to a test environment first, to try to catch those unknowns. In a normal line of work, an ETL gathering data from an outside source should have (I say should though it probably does not happen much in the real world) a document describing in technical detail the data rows, columns and formats that you should expect. It is like a service agreement. An ETL may fail but if you can point to the document and state the reason was non-adherence by the outside data, then the reason out of your scope and you are in the clear.
