• Please read the link in my signature on how to format and post SQL questions. It will help get better and faster answers.

    So, without any idea about the data or why so many joins are needed to get 2 columns, I would guess that you are going to need to SUM and a GROUP BY to get what you want.

    SELECT HL.[Description] AS 'House', SUM(CAST(MSDN.Data AS int)) AS 'Data'

    FROM CurrentPupil

    INNER JOIN PupilPersonalDetails AS PPD

    ON PPD.PupilID = CurrentPupil.PupilID

    INNER JOIN PupilCurrentSchool AS PCS

    ON PCS.PupilID = PPD.PupilID

    INNER JOIN SchoolLookupDetails AS FL

    ON PCS.Form = FL.LookupDetailsID

    AND FL.LookupID = 1002

    INNER JOIN SchoolLookupDetails AS HL

    ON PCS.House = HL.LookupDetailsID

    AND HL.LookupID = 1001

    INNER JOIN MarksheetDataNumeric AS MSDN

    ON MSDN.PupilID = PPD.PupilID

    INNER JOIN ColumnsMaster AS CM

    ON CM.ColumnID = MSDN.ColumnID

    AND CM.ColumnTitle LIKE '%week%'

    INNER JOIN ClusterMaster AS CLM

    ON CLM.ClusterID = SUBSTRING(PPD.SchoolID, 0, 4) --<<=== 0 based string?

    INNER JOIN ColumnReportingPeriods AS CRP

    ON CRP.ColumnID = CM.ColumnID

    INNER JOIN ReportingPeriods AS RP

    ON RP.AcademicYear = CLM.CurrentAcademicYear

    AND RP.ReportingPeriodID = CRP.ReportingPeriodID

    WHERE ('%wc%' = '%wc%')

    GROUP BY HL.[Description]

    I would also suggest you get a book or get online and look for SQL Basics and Fundamentals. Summing and grouping are SQL 101 concepts.

    How to Post to get the most: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/