• I guess it is hard to understand. but i have written a sample of code.

    this sample is good if the customer choose population_1 that means

    ind_1 > 0

    ind_2 > 0

    or population_2 that means

    ind_2 > 0

    ind_3 > 0

    or any unique population, my problem is that i want to provide a drop down where the customer will choose population_1 , population_2, population_3, population_4, etc, or any combination of the list.

    i thought about using if, but talking in consideration that i have 10 different population, the number of combinations is a bit more code that i think it should be written for every possibility.

    with population_1



    select userid from mysample where ind_1 > 0


    select userid from mysample where ind_2 > 0

    ), sumas



    select populations, count(userid) as NumberofUsersBad, sum(amountspent) as TotalSpendBad

    from mysample

    where userid in (select userid from population_1)

    group by populations

    ), panel



    select populations, count(userid) as NumberofUsersTotal, sum(amountspent) as TotalSpend

    from mysample

    group by populations


    select p.populations, sum(p.NumberofUsersTotal) as NumberofUsersTotal,

    sum(s.NumberofUsersBad) as NumberofUsersBad,

    sum(p.TotalSpend) as TotalSpend,

    sum(s.TotalSpendBad) as TotalSpendBad

    from panel p join sumas s on p.populations = s.populations

    group by p.populations