• hey,

    Well the book is pretty old now, so if you go though the errata I'd imagine a lot of the mistakes will be reported. If you use a pencil, you better have a sharpner on you as well!

    The book is dry, I mean real dry. A good move it so watch the MVP videos, the guys that do that are entertaining, and you'll learn alot in a shorter time.

    Get yourself the transcender exams for it, I found them to be decent enough, the added advantage with those is that you get good links to info in the answers. I tend to use them last to see where I'm at.

    But, at the very least, read the book with a pot of coffee in you. With the errata, most of the exercises may now work,and if they do not, you may just learn more finding out why (even if it is frustrating ), because almost nothing will work first time in the real world.

    Good luck. Stay away from dumps.

