• Lynn Pettis (9/27/2016)

    mister.magoo (9/27/2016)

    Lee Hopkins (9/27/2016)

    I have a script that gives me a string of the columns and types.

    I wan to use this result to create a declared table

    DECLARE @listStr VARCHAR(Max)

    SELECT @listStr = COALESCE(@liststr+', ','') +

    COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + Data_type + ' ' +

    CASE WHEN data_type = 'char' THEN '('+ cast(character_maximum_length AS VARCHAR) +')' ELSE '' END + ' ' +

    CASE WHEN is_nullable = 'NO' THEN 'NOT NULL' ELSE '' END


    SELECT @listStr

    DECLARE @table1 TABLE(@liststr)

    How can i get my @liststr in to the @Table1

    More to the point, why do you want to do this? It seems like you have decided the best way to do something, but don't know how to do it, so maybe it's not the best way.

    Can you describe the actual problem this will help you to solve?

    True, if you want to create a temporary table based on an existing table there is a simple way:

    select * into #temptable

    from dbo.test

    where 1 = 2;


    select TOP (0) * into #temptable

    from dbo.test

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001