• Brandie Tarvin (9/27/2016)

    Greg Edwards-268690 (9/27/2016)

    You verified the programming worked as designed.

    Maybe you could offer to look at their testing scenarios to see why this was not discovered several years ago.

    Ha. He just agreed that the code was supposed to be doing what it did, but said that it should have reported in our QA September month end process because a certain date read 9/1 on the data in question, therefore my code was wrong.

    I pointed out that our QA August month end process ran from August to September 6th, so yeah, the code is working correctly and the only reason it looks wrong is because we do our month ends in UAT based on the needs of testing, not on the usual calendar month end dates we have in production. Which means usually we fast track (running several month ends only days apart) but in this case, it was a "catchup" kind of situation.

    We'll see if he continues to push back.

    We went by a fiscal calendar.

    Took some awhile to adjust vs. calendar month.

    Was always interesting when they presented data to management.

    They were very good at picking this out.