• For a start.

    You do not need to run the same query twice:

    SELECT @Count=count(*) from dbo.PropertyAssets pa

    inner join Scenarios sce on sce.id = pa.scenarioId

    inner join Portfolios por on por.id = sce.PortfolioId

    where por.Name = 'Healthcare Real Estate Active Portfolio' and pa.Id=@PropertyAssetID


    SELECT @ActiveRecord=count(*) from dbo.PropertyAssets pa

    inner join Scenarios sce on sce.id = pa.scenarioId

    inner join Portfolios por on por.id = sce.PortfolioId

    where por.Name = 'Healthcare Real Estate Active Portfolio' and (pa.status IS NULL or pa.status = '') and pa.Id=@PropertyAssetID

    Do it in one go:

    SELECT @Count=count(*) ,

    @ActiveRecord=count(CASE WHEN (pa.status IS NULL or pa.status = '') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END )

    FROM dbo.PropertyAssets pa

    inner join Scenarios sce on sce.id = pa.scenarioId

    inner join Portfolios por on por.id = sce.PortfolioId

    where por.Name = 'Healthcare Real Estate Active Portfolio' and pa.Id=@PropertyAssetID

    Code for TallyGenerator