• for me it's essential to know this behaviour:

    ' Access Developer Handbook Vol. 2 S. 265:

    ' 1.

    ' If you use the SET NOCOUNT ON statement within a SQL Server StoredProc,

    ' RecordsAffected will be set to -1 if the procedure succeeded and 0 if it did not


    ' 2.

    ' Under certain conditions, RecordsAffected can report a spurious number. This might happen, for example,

    ' if the query or stored procedure causes a trigger to be executed or a stored procedure includes multiple SQL statements!!!

    The solution is to use OUTPUT parameter(s):

    in the SP:






    , NULL

    , @ParDSServer

    , @ParDSDatenbank

    , @ParDSTabelle

    in VBA add these lines:

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("NumberRowsINSERTED", adInteger, adParamOutput)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    cmd.Execute RecordsAffected:=lngReturnRowsAffected, Options:=adExecuteNoRecords

    ' Attention:

    ' as the StoredProc uses multiple SQL statements, the value of lngReturnRowsAffected is -1 (SP succeeded)

    ' => so use the OUTPUT parameter!

    'fctINS = lngReturnRowsAffected

    fctINS = cmd.Parameters("NumberRowsINSERTED")

    I'm still learning...:cool:

    ________Panta rhei