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  • Gary Varga (9/1/2016)

    philcart (9/1/2016)

    Also, to add to previous posts, something that has tripped me up before when using UNC paths. Powershell cmdlets can attempt to resolving the UNC path to registry location instead of a filesystem object.

    So after being bitten by this quirk, I always prefix UNC paths with FileSystem:: which will force the cmdlet to use the FileSystem provider.

    eg: Get-ChildItem FileSystem::"\\MyServer\MyShare\"

    Woah there Leslie!!!

    Thanks Phil. I haven't come across that before (that I know of) but I bet I will in future!!!

    Gary, I think it's something to do with a UNC path not being homed to a PSDrive.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface