Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) how to select first column with a specified value in a day range RE: how to select first column with a specified value in a day range

  • If you want to create the table with a column named as the first occurrence, you need to use dynamic sql. That's just wanting problems, IMHO.

    Otherwise, you could do this:

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#updatecontractdetailtable') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table #updatecontractdetailtable;

    SELECT programID,


    CASE WHEN Monday = 1 THEN 'Monday'

    WHEN Tuesday = 1 THEN 'Tuesday'

    WHEN Wednesday = 1 THEN 'Wednesday'

    WHEN Thursday = 1 THEN 'Thursday'

    WHEN friday = 1 THEN 'Friday'

    WHEN saturday = 1 THEN 'Saturday'

    WHEN sunday = 1 THEN 'Sunday'

    END AS FirstDay,




    into #updatecontractdetailtable

    from ContractDetail

    ORDER BY programid,Stationid;

    Luis C.
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