• I continue to periodically get only the last column returned for a table definition. I thought that putting the last CASE ELSE in the "Get the columns, their definitions and defaults." section fixed it. But the issue still pops up - usually in databases that were created in SQL 2005. Asked the question in a forum with a mocked up example and someone pointed me to KB article 287515. I could not find the exact article but found the original issue logged in Microsoft Connect along with the response. It is exactly the issue that I am having. Basically it is saying not to use SELECT @Variable + @Variable + @something .... to concatenate row data. The Connect response gives several different workarounds. I added "FOR XML PATH (''),TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')" and viola! it worked as expected - all columns were returned. And the best part was that the change took only a couple of minutes to make.