• One last thing. Questions often come up where a count of days is needed excluding special days. You might find it handy to add a column to flag whether or not a day is a holiday or a weekend or a workday. Having such a column makes such queries much simpler.

    It's easy to flag weekend days when you create the table. After that, you can update it with 'H' for holidays at your leisure.

    ;with tally (N) as (select top(10000) ROW_NUMBER() over(order by (select null)) from sys.columns cross join sys.objects)

    select N as DateID, DATEADD(d,N,convert(date,'12/31/2015')) as MyDate

    ,case when DATEPART(dw,DATEADD(d,N,convert(date,'12/31/2015'))) in (1,7) then 'W' else '' end as SpecialDay

    into #MyDates

    from tally

    create unique clustered index PK_#MyDates on #MyDates(MyDate)

    -- example of counting days excluding weekends

    declare @start date = '5/1/2016'

    ,@end date = '5/30/2016'

    select sum(1) as Workdays

    from #MyDates

    where Mydate between @start and @end

    AND specialday <> 'W'

    Good luck.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills