Home Forums Programming XML Pulling Data From XML To SQL Data Type Issue. RE: Pulling Data From XML To SQL Data Type Issue.

  • rocky_498 (6/20/2016)

    Hi Guys,

    I am pulling a data from XML To SQL through SSIS (Using XML Source). Source field in XML has data type xs:duration and value are as an example "PT00H30M" OR "PT01H00M". However

    it is coming through in my destination table as something like "6000000000" or "27000000000".

    Any help would be great appreciated.

    Thank You

    At a guess I would say these values are in Millionths of a second, so 30 minutes would equal 1800000000

    1800000000 / 1000000 / 60 = 30 minutes

    Try it with your values and see if they make sense.