• drew.allen (7/21/2016)

    Sean Lange (7/21/2016)

    drew.allen (7/21/2016)

    Get rid of the ISNULL altogether. FOR XML automatically discards null expressions unless the XSINIL directive is specified.


    (SELECT ', ' + t2.Name

    FROM #Temp t2

    where t1.ID = t2.ID -- t1.DeliverableITEP = t2.DeliverableITEP AND t1.GeoMarket = t2.GeoMarket AND t1.Segment = t2.Segment

    FOR XML PATH (''))

    , 1, 1, '') AS Name

    FROM #Temp t1


    PS: The estimated plan shows that this is 0.1% faster than using a WHERE clause to exclude NULL values. Of course, I don't put much stock in the estimated plan on such a small table.

    Drew this has the problem when there is an empty string for name.

    That's what I get for posting when I had trouble sleeping last night. Still, I wonder how it might perform with this change.


    (SELECT ', ' + NULLIF(t2.Name, '')

    FROM #Temp t2

    where t1.ID = t2.ID -- t1.DeliverableITEP = t2.DeliverableITEP AND t1.GeoMarket = t2.GeoMarket AND t1.Segment = t2.Segment

    FOR XML PATH (''))

    , 1, 1, '') AS Name

    FROM #Temp t1

    Unfortunately, I don't have time to do a comparison.


    LOL. Using the NULLIF or a where predicate to remove NULL seems to be the same thing in the end. Both your query and mine produce identical execution plans. 😀


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