• TomThomson (7/13/2016)

    Revenant (7/8/2016)

    George Vobr (7/8/2016)

    Ed Wagner (7/8/2016)

    Yes, it was an easy one. I admit I was looking for the trick.

    +1 😉

    Thanks Steve and happy weekend to all.

    +1 Yes, I even checked BoL...

    Me too - I thought EXEC was an accepted way of writing EXECUTE and then thought "it can't be that easy", looked it up, and found it was that easy.

    I didn't look it up having seen it all over the place. IMHO there is a difference. It's all aesthetics and preference. I don't like seeing the shorthand version.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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