Invoke-ASCMD - Passing values to the XMLA file not working

  • I need to create a cmd file to backup Analysis Service Database. Because my SQL Server 2014 does not have ascmd.exe, I thought I would use powershell 'Invoke-ASCMD' but I am having problems passing parameters to the XMLA file. Dbname and Backupfile parameters are not recognized in the XMLA file but when I hardcode values in their place, the script runs successfully. Please help!

    Command File :


    set SCRIPTPATH=E:\cube_backup.xmla

    set SRC=ServerName\ServerInstance

    set BACKUPPATH=G:\Cube_BackupFolder\

    For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%c%%a%%b)

    for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=:. " %%A in ('time/T') do (set var=%%A%%B%%C%)

    echo %mydate%_%var%

    set BACKUPFILE="%BACKUPPATH%\%DBNAME%_cube_%mydate%_%var%.abf"

    powershell.exe -command Invoke-ASCmd -InputFile %SCRIPTPATH% -server %SRC%


    SCRIPTPATH (XMLA code) :









  • Did you resolve this?

    If so, how please?

    If not, have you tried giving the values quotation marks?


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Hi,

    I am not very good at the old command line, if the solution can be all in PowerShell, then I might be able to help.

    First of all, I am not able to test this in a real environment as I do not have the SSAS installed in my computer and I have never used the Invoke-ASCmd cmdlet, so I will be using the cmdlet as you typed in your post - assuming it is correct, although instead of using the parameter -InputFile, I will use the parameter -Query, based on the description in HERE.


    $SCRIPTPATH = "E:\cube_backup.xmla";

    $SRC = "ServerName\ServerInstance";

    $BACKUPPATH = "G:\Cube_BackupFolder";

    $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_hhmmtt";

    $BACKUPFILE = "$BACKUPPATH\$($DBNAME)_cube_$date.abf";

    $query = @"

    <Backup xmlns="">





    Write-Host "Invoke-ASCmd -Query `"$query`" -Server `"$SRC`"";

    Invoke-ASCmd -Query $query -Server $SRC

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