Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) T-SQL: Aggregate and/or conditional subquery on where clause RE: T-SQL: Aggregate and/or conditional subquery on where clause

  • Even though you said that you attached desired results, I'm not seeing them. Would the following work?


    WITH LotHistOrdered AS (

    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY lh.LotNo ORDER BY lh.TransType DESC, lh.TransDate DESC, lh.TransNo DESC) AS rn

    FROM @LotHist lh


    SELECT LOT.LotNo, ITEM.ItemNo, ITEM.[DESC], LOT.Warehouse, LOT.CurrentQty, LOT.Cost, LOTHIST.TransDate, lothist.TransType, LOTHIST.TransQty

    FROM @LOT lot


    ON LOT.ItemNo = ITEM.ItemNo

    INNER JOIN LotHistOrdered lothist

    ON LOTHIST.LotNo = LOT.LotNo

    WHERE lothist.rn = 1

    AND (LOTHIST.TransType = 'Shipment'

    ORLOTHIST.TransType = 'Receipt' AND LOT.CurrentQty > 0 AND (LOTHIST.TransDate) > GETDATE()- 90


    It uses a CTE with a ROW_NUMBER to sort the records in order of relevance and then selects only the most relevant row. (I'm not sure that I got the correct order of relevance.)


    PS: I prefer to use temp tables or table variables for sample data, because I don't want to clutter up my dev environment if I forget to DROP them.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA