
  • Hi Everybody,

    We are using SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 and Visual Studio.Net 2005 Beta1

    We are getting following error randomly. Anybody has any idea, wether it's bug or is there anything we can do to fix it.

    [InvalidOperationException: This SqlTransaction has completed: it is no longer usable.]

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.ZombieCheck() +31

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Rollback() +66

    Thank you,

  • Hi Dave,

    A quick google search for "ZombieCheck" turned up exactly four hits.  Based on the messages in your post, I suspect you may be dealing with the first one.  It appears to be a server monitoring program.


    I could also be completely wrong. 

    Hope this helps


  • No answer to your question, however I would definitely recommend you to try and getting the April CTP of SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 if you are doing any serious testing/preparations for the future products. A lot has changed since SQL B2 and VS B1.

  • There are also beta newsgroups where you can ask about this.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Here's the fix and explanation:


  • I was having the same issue. I managed to solve it by increasing the CommandTimeout property on my SqlCommand object. The error was only occuring on one machine which was fairly low spec.

    My theory for the actual error is the SqlCommand object timed out and rolled back itself (before the catch block). The exception was raised and my catch block tried to roll back the transaction again causing the "already competed" error.

    I'm open to other theories, though as it'll help me narrow down the root cause.

    Note: I did try the fix posted above to no avail.



  • I am noticing the same behavior.

    so far i am not able to resolve it. But on and OFF we see these errors. One more thing i am noticing in our system is that the whole system goes very very slow after zombiecheck errors. And after sometime the system starts running smooth on its own - may there is lot of load on the system causing more and more timeouts - not sure though.

    the MS patch doesn't help in this.

  • My problem was similar, and it turned out that I was doing it to myself. I was running a bunch of scripts in a VS2008 project to create stored procedures. In one of the procs, I used a transaction. The script was executing the creation of the proc inside a transaction, rather than including the transaction code as part of the procedure. So when it got to the end without an error, it committed the transaction for the script. The .Net code was also using and then committing a transaction, and the zombie effect came when it tried to close the transaction that had already been closed inside the SQL script. I removed the transaction from the SQL script, relying on the transaction opened and checked in the .Net code, and this solved the problem.:-)

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