• remember there is a difference between a LOGIN and a USER.

    nothing gets any rights unless you add them to a group or role that gives them permissions.

    so, never add a LOGIN as sysadmin, and they can never add anyone else as sysadmin either.

    in a specific database, anyone in the db_owner role can create a USER for that specific database, but not do anything to their logins (assuming you did not give them sysadmin)

    scripting wise, here's an example or two.

    --create our normal user

    CREATE LOGIN [ClarkKent] WITH PASSWORD=N'NotTh3ARealPassword',



    USE [SandBox]


    CREATE USER ClarkKent For Login ClarkKent;


    ALTER USER ClarkKent with DEFAULT_SCHEMA = 'dbo'

    EXECUTE AS User='ClarkKent'

    select * from sys.objects --cannot see anything, nothing granted to him so far

    REVERT; --change back to the superuser

    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader','ClarkKent ';

    EXECUTE AS User='ClarkKent'

    select * from sys.objects --can NOW see all the tables and views and query them

    REVERT; --change back to the superuser


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