• BLOB_EATER (4/29/2016)

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    SQLRNNR (4/26/2016)

    The sith lord is Supreme Leader Snoke and suspected to be Darth Plagueis (the one that can create life from death according to Darth Sidious - the apprentice of Plagueis).

    If it is Plagueis it'll be a very nice connection.

    If you haven't read the (now non-canon) book Darth Plagueis, do so. It's a fascinating story of Sidious's apprenticeship under Plagueis. Gives a much wider view into Sideous's machinations than the prequels did.

    I'm going to look into this, the dark side intrigues me.

    In that case, I'll recommend the title "Bane" too (the story of Darth Bane, the Sith Lord who instituted the Rule of Two after seeing in-fighting destroy the Sith Order that trained him)

    Is there a specific order? Or am I good to go with either of the two?

    They're set 1000 years apart.

    I read Plagueis first, and only the first chapter so far of Bane

    And I apologise, the title for the book about Darth Bane is "Path of Destruction"

    cool thanks - time for me to get a kindle.

    I read all my kindle books on my iPad. I find the phone too small to read comfortably, but iPad is perfect size.

    The book's available in paper too, I have the hard copy sitting next to me.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass