Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Pulling all object name alone form various Queries RE: Pulling all object name alone form various Queries

  • well i dug a little deeper in my old parser utility.

    i expected the tables to be identified as TOKEN_TABLE, but they end up being TOKEN_ID instead; i guess with a connection , TOKEN_ID's eventually map to objectname(object_id), but i'll have to wrestle with this a little more. I really expected objects to get tokenized to TOKEN_TABLE.

    string sqltext = @"Select * from

    Tabl1 A join Table2 b

    on a.id = b.id

    Inner Join Table3 c

    On c.id = b.id

    Where a.id = 1 ";



    System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

    //the partser is a nice static method, just call it, no object needed.

    Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Parser.ParseOptions myParseOptions = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Parser.ParseOptions();

    myParseOptions.BatchSeparator = "GO";

    myParseOptions.IsQuotedIdentifierSet = true;

    Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Parser.Scanner MyScanner = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Parser.Scanner(myParseOptions);

    MyScanner.SetSource(sqltext, 0);

    Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Parser.Tokens token;

    int state = 0;

    int start;

    int end;

    bool isPairMatch;

    bool isExecAutoParamHelp;

    //System.Array Alltokens = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Parser.Tokens));

    while ((token = (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Parser.Tokens)MyScanner.GetNext(ref state, out start, out end, out isPairMatch, out isExecAutoParamHelp)) != Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Parser.Tokens.EOF)


    string str = sqltext.Substring(start, end - start + 1);


    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}: {2}", Convert.ToInt32(token).ToString(), token, str);

    //richTextBox2.AppendText(String.Format("{0}: {1}: {2}", Convert.ToInt32(token).ToString(), token, str));


    here's the representationof the tokens i got:

    286: TOKEN_SELECT: Select

    42: 42: *

    242: TOKEN_FROM: from

    171: TOKEN_ID: Tabl1

    171: TOKEN_ID: A

    157: TOKEN_JOIN: join

    171: TOKEN_ID: Table2

    171: TOKEN_ID: b

    269: TOKEN_ON: on

    171: TOKEN_ID: a

    46: 46: .

    171: TOKEN_ID: id

    61: 61: =

    171: TOKEN_ID: b

    46: 46: .

    171: TOKEN_ID: id

    152: TOKEN_INNER: Inner

    157: TOKEN_JOIN: Join

    171: TOKEN_ID: Table3

    171: TOKEN_ID: c

    269: TOKEN_ON: On

    171: TOKEN_ID: c

    46: 46: .

    171: TOKEN_ID: id

    61: 61: =

    171: TOKEN_ID: b

    46: 46: .

    171: TOKEN_ID: id

    306: TOKEN_WHERE: Where

    171: TOKEN_ID: a

    46: 46: .

    171: TOKEN_ID: id

    61: 61: =

    180: TOKEN_INTEGER: 1


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