• Based upon an old SP I have I came up with this:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Read]



    declare @sSQL varchar(5000)

    set @sSQL = COALESCE(@sSQL + ' ','')

    create table #MyHead (

    Pr_Id int,

    Pr_Em_Id int,

    Pr_Em_Name nvarchar(50),

    SortBy int,

    Random int IDENTITY(1,1) )

    set @sSQL = 'SELECT Pr_Id, Pr_Em_Id,Pr_Em_Name, '

    set @sSQL = @sSQL + ' CAST(NULL AS INT) AS SortBy'

    set @sSQL = @sSQL + ' FROM tblTemp'

    insert into #MyHead


    --===== Add the necessary clustered index for the "quirky" update

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IXU_#MyHead ON #MyHead (Pr_Em_Id,Random)

    --===== Create a couple of variables to use in the "quirky" update and preset them

    DECLARE @PrevSortBy INT,

    @PrevPr_Em_Id INT

    SELECT @PrevSortBy = 0,

    @PrevPr_Em_Id= 0

    --===== Do the "quirky" update. Think of it as "ROW_NUMBER() OVER" for SQL Server 2000

    UPDATE #MyHead

    SET @PrevSortBy = SortBy = CASE WHEN @PrevPr_Em_Id = Pr_Em_Id

    THEN @PrevSortBy + 1

    ELSE 1


    @PrevPr_Em_Id = Pr_Em_Id

    FROM #MyHead WITH(INDEX(0))

    --===== Produce the "semi random" output.

    SELECT tblTemp.Pr_Id, tblTemp.Pr_Em_Id, tblTemp.Pr_Em_Name,Pr_Product

    FROM tblTemp INNER JOIN #MyHead ON tblTemp.Pr_Id = #MyHead.Pr_Id

    ORDER BY SortBy,case when left(tblTemp.Pr_Em_Name, 1) >= CHAR(65 + 26 * rand()) then 0 else 1 end

    --ORDER BY SortBy,Pr_Em_Id --Semi random as requested

    drop table #MyHead

