Using DAX, how do I calculate a table when filtering on a related table?

  • I'm trying to find the intersect of two result sets using DAX, but I'm really struggling to get the two result sets calculated.

    I have a fact table, FactCheckForUpdates, that has a relationship to a date table called 'Log Date'. FactCheckForUpdates contains Machine IDs, and I want to return the IDs for the last 2 complete months.

    I can calculate the distinct count of Machine IDs using this formula:

    2Month Distinct Machines:=CALCULATE (

    [Distinct Machine Ids],


    ALL( 'Log Date' ),

    ( 'Log Date'[YearMonthNumber] >= MAX( 'Log Date'[YearMonthNumber] ) - 3 )

    && ( 'Log Date'[YearMonthNumber] <= MAX( 'Log Date'[YearMonthNumber] ) - 1 )



    Where 'Distinct Machine Ids' is calculated as:


    and where 'YearMonthNumber' is calculated on the 'Log Date' table as:

    =('Log Date'[YearKey] - MIN('Log Date'[YearKey])) * 12 + 'Log Date'[MonthOfYearKey]

    (effectively this gives the number of the month in the context of the entire date dimension).

    Can anyone help me update the [2Month Distinct Machines] expression so that instead of returning the distinct count of Machine IDs in the period, it returns a table of the machine IDs?

    I've tried using the CALCULATETABLE function, but it won't accept the MAX aggregate on the date filter. The closest I've gotten is this formula:



    SUMMARIZE ( FactCheckForUpdates, FactCheckForUpdates[MachineId] ),

    "meh", CALCULATE ( SUM ( FactCheckForUpdates[CFUPing] ) )


    FactCheckForUpdates[LogDateKey] > DATE ( 2016, 4, 1 )


    but I'm not sure how to use the 'Log Date' table here.

    Any help massively appreciated!

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