Home Forums Reporting Services SSRS 2012 Is it possible to dynamically change the value of one parameter, based upon what the user selects for another parameter? RE: Is it possible to dynamically change the value of one parameter, based upon what the user selects for another parameter?

  • The only way you could do this would be to have the 4th parameter get its available values provided from a dataset, which has the 3rd parameter (and any others it may need) provided to it so that it only returns valid values.

    When you load the report doing this, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parameters will all be available, but the 4th will be grayed out. Once you select the compulsory parameters, the 4th will be available for selection as well.

    For example if you had a table as below:

    Insert into [SSRSExample] (Name, DeptID)

    Values (N'Steve', 1),

    (N'John', 1),

    (N'Dave', 2),

    (N'Gina', 2),

    (N'Paula', 2),

    (N'Daniel', 3),

    (N'Bobby', 4)

    Your 3rd parameter supplies a distinct list of DeptIDs, so you would have a dataset that has the following query to provide available values for Parameter 4:

    Select Name

    from SSRSExample

    where DeptID = @DeptID

    Providing 2 into the dataset would cause parameter 4 to only provide the values Dave, Gina and Paula in a drop down box.

    Does this help/make sense?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.