Can not connect a data source with windows auth

  • I have set up a new sql server 2014 and moved the reporting services to it from a sql server 2012. Everything works great except that I can not get it to connect the data sources with a domain account. I have a single domain account that I have set up as the service account and the credentials to connect to the report server database. All seems good, until I try to change the data sources which previously were using a sql server security. I am using a connection string... Server=myserver; database=mydatabase; Trusted_Connection=True; and then trying to set the credentials to the same domain account I am using for the service account and I get "Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct.", if I use my own account I get "Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication." The first doesn't get recorded in SQL Servers error log but the second does. I can connect using SQL Server Authentication with no problem at all. I am not trying to hop servers, but do have the SPN's set up as I normally would for double hop problems, but I don't see how that would even be an issue here since reporting services is on the same server that the databases are on. Any idea, before I lose the rest of my hair?

  • Unsuccesful logon attempts are logged in SQL Server ERRORLOG. What is the login name you are seeing? Is it ANONYMOUS LOGON? Is it the correct Windows user name?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • As I said, they are not being logged in SQL Server's error log hence I don't think the connection ever gets to an attempt to log into SQL Server. If I uncheck the box to use windows authentication, I do get a message in the log showing the failed sql server login. When I use my account which has no SPN but is an server admin, I get the error showing an untrusted domain. When I use the domain account I want to use that has SPN's, I never see an attempt to log into SQL Server nor an error message.

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