• Sean Lange (2/11/2016)

    itsgaurav (2/11/2016)

    Select Jcdtl.mdoc_no,Jcdtl.doc,no,jcdtl.doc_dt,jcdtl.del_dt from jcdtl

    Where MONTH(jcdtl.doc_dt)=3 AND YEAR(jcdtl.doc_dt)=2014

    In this table have approx 10 lacks rcords

    Simple to remove these functions and add some range logic.

    Select j.mdoc_no

    , j.doc_no

    , j.doc_dt

    , j.del_dt

    from jcdtl j

    Where j.doc_dt >= '20140301'

    and j.doc_dt < '20140401'

    That'll do it. And if you have an index on doc_dt, the query will be able to use it. Include doc_no and mdoc_no and it's a covering index. Of course, you'll want to design your indexes so they're used efficiently, which depends on how you use the table.