• bark stuff (2/11/2016)

    I suggest you type the command directly in the command window and notet he output.

    To verify whether it worked or not after the process task is executed check for the existence of the expected file.

    If you have the option to use .net 4.5 or greater I would recommend writing a script task and using .net to unzip the file rather than running winzip via the execute process task.

    I have .net 4.5 and tried using the following code: note that it is password protected. how do I put password in this code please?

    The message it gives is:

    The file you are trying to open, zipFileName.zip, is in a different format than specified...

    using System.IO;

    using System.IO.Compression;

    public void Main()


    string zipPath = @"\\work\1. data\files\ZIP\zipFileName.zip";

    string extractPath = @"\\work\1. data\files";

    ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zipPath, extractPath);

    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
