• peter 67432 (2/9/2016)

    Igor Micev (2/9/2016)

    1) Check that the service "SQL Full-text Filter Deamon Launcher (SQL20XX)" is running. If not it must be running in order to use catalogues.


    Run this to see if you have any catalogs

    select *

    from sys.fulltext_catalogs

    if there is no catalog, then run this:

    use [db name]

    create fulltext catalog FullTextCatalog as default

    create fulltext index on [schema].[Table]([Column])

    key index PK_key_name

    and then try your second query.

    The first query for checking if I have a FullTextCatalog returns 1 row.

    fulltext_catalog_id: 5

    name: Number_Name

    path: NULL

    is_default: 0

    is_accent_sensitivity_on: 0

    data_space_id: NULL

    file_id: NULL



    Keep on with the creation of the fulltext index

    Igor Micev,My blog: www.igormicev.com