• below86 (2/5/2016)

    No bug should be so bad it has to be fixed RIGHT NOW OR THE WORLD DIES!

    I would like to live in your fantasy world. It sounds so perfect. Here in the real world bugs happen, and if not fixed at night, at 3 AM sometimes, at least our management would think the world was ending if they didn't have there data.

    I only worked on live products (ref: online video game) in my career (24/7, 365 days a year). Bugs can happen anytime, but exploits are the one thing you cannot always test for. I've been woken up countless nights between Midnight and 5AM to address a critical issue with the live service. When customers are involved, you cannot wait till morning.

    So, what do you do?

    Members from the dev and QA team wake up. They meet the IT team--who are already there because these fools catch everything first--and they start working on a hotfix. They push it through the same pipeline, just with a bit more haste, than everyday development does to fix the problem. Test receives the update, QA goes to town, hopefully everything is given the thumbs up and it's pushed to live.

    Why can't it wait?

    Customers don't care about your BS.

    Why are bugs not being caught before live?

    Seriously? :hehe:

    It doesn't matter if your the high supreme dev master or the DBA. You follow the pipeline or you're not following the gospel of the team; this is a team sport.