Possible to have 2 tables in Report on 1 page and have scrolling bars on the right?

  • Hi,

    Can anyone help me do this:

    I have created an SRSS Report and want to simple Datasets to display lists: List A has 300 rows, List B has 1000 rows

    I have created two tables on the report and assigned the two datasets. When I run the report, the page is very long because of the 1000 rows and the headers are not visible once I scroll the page down. (I have set it to use one page)

    I'd like to have everything fit on one screen. I don't want separate pages, so is there a way of having 2x scrollers for the Tables and set the row display count to 20 for example? Then the user can scroll each table to see the records on the screen in front of them?

    Can anyone please help?

  • anyone?

  • It is possible to keep headers visible in a tablix https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd220509.aspx but not sure if it will work with two on the same page.............


  • I know how to keep headers on the page, it's the list I'm talking about.

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