• Please see below

    Public Function Increment_cash_recp_number() As Integer

    cash_recp_number= cash_recp_number +1

    End Function

    Public Function getTotals(ByVal recipNo As Integer, ByVal vehicle As String) As Decimal

    Dim tVals As totalValues

    tVals = Values(recipNo)

    Return tVals.getTotalValue(vehicle)

    End Function

    Public Class totalValues

    Public Function getTotalValue(ByVal vehicle As String) As Decimal

    Select Case UCase(vehicle)

    Case "TOTAL"

    Return Me.TotalSecurityValue + Me.TotalCashValue

    End Select

    End Function

    End Class

    I have this in an textbox expression

    =FormatCurrency(code.getTotals(code.cash_recp_number, "TOTAL"))

    but it does not seem to work for TotalSecurityValue. This TotalSecurityValue is present in another matrix/tablix in the same report

    Please suggest how to fix it?