Home Forums Data Warehousing Analysis Services Simple Sum of decimal should be 0, but instead it is x.xE-10 RE: Simple Sum of decimal should be 0, but instead it is x.xE-10

  • Thank you for your response.

    Indeed, in the mean time I did this downsizing to Currency for a particular measure, and it is now working for this one.

    But downsizing the other measures is not an option, I need the double datatype. But just for testing purpose, even if I cast those measures (in the underlying view) as numeric(18,4), bids helper Measure Group Health Check only wants Double datatype in the cube. The options in the drop-down list are Double and Single (no Currency), but if I select Single, everything is rounded as an integer.... :crazy:

    I just cannot believe that a simple sum of a few numbers as Double could be so wrong...