• something like this is what i slapped together; does this look right?

    UPDATE MyTarget


    MyTarget.[IsCurrent] =0,

    MyTarget.[ValidToDate] = getdate()

    FROM [StagingDataDump] MySource

    INNER JOIN [DataDump] MyTarget

    ON MySource.[PK] = MyTarget.[PK]

    AND MySource.[Col2] = MyTarget.[Col2]

    INSERT INTO [DataDump](ColumnList,IsCurrent,ValidFromDate,ValidToDate)

    SELECT MySource .ColumnList,1 AS IsCurrent,getdate() AS ValidFromDate, '12/31/2999' AS ValidToDate

    FROM [StagingDataDump] MySource

    INNER JOIN [DataDump] MyTarget

    ON MySource.[PK] = MyTarget.[PK]

    AND MySource.[Col2] = MyTarget.[Col2]


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