• ok, this worked pretty well for me;

    you can expand this to use char/nchar if needed, but i left it as varchar/nvarchar, as that's all i'd ever use anyway.

    no need to check ints or decimals values, the size is the size.

    i used FOR XML to build a query, per table, so i can find both the max current length and the current definition.

    it produces a query like this(formatted for readbility)

    SELECT Max(Len([DatabaseName])) AS [DatabaseName],

    '256' AS [CurMaxDatabaseName],

    Max(Len([SchemaName])) AS [SchemaName],

    '256' AS [CurMaxSchemaName],

    Max(Len([ObjectName])) AS [ObjectName],

    '256' AS [CurMaxObjectName],

    Max(Len([IndexName])) AS [IndexName],

    '256' AS [CurMaxIndexName],

    Max(Len([StatisticsName])) AS [StatisticsName],

    '256' AS [CurMaxStatisticsName],

    Max(Len([Command])) AS [Command],

    '-1' AS [CurMaxCommand],

    Max(Len([CommandType])) AS [CommandType],

    '120' AS [CurMaxCommandType],

    Max(Len([ErrorMessage])) AS [ErrorMessage],

    '-1' AS [CurMaxErrorMessage]

    FROM [CommandLog]

    and my query generator:


    schema_name(t.schema_id) As SchemaName,


    'SELECT ' + sq.Columns + ' FROM ' + schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + quotename(name)

    FROM sys.tables t

    JOIN (


    Columns = STUFF((SELECT ',MAX(LEN(' + quotename(name) +')) As ' + quotename(name) + ','

    + CASE

    WHEN max_length = -1

    THEN '''' + convert(varchar,max_length /2) + ''''

    WHEN type_name(system_type_id) = ' nvarchar'

    THEN '''' + convert(varchar,max_length /2) + ''''

    ELSE '''' + convert(varchar,max_length) + ''''

    END + ' AS [CurMax' + name + ']'

    FROM sys.columns sc

    WHERE sc.object_id = s.object_id

    AND type_name(system_type_id) IN('varchar','nvarchar')

    FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    FROM sys.columns s

    ) sq ON t.object_id = sq.object_id


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