• When storing the data in the database try and store it with as much detail as possible. for example if you have the data here is why

    create table #ranks

    ( studentid int ,

    [subject] varchar(20),

    Score decimal(5,2),

    Rounded as round(Score,0))


    insert into #ranks

    select 1 , 'Math' , 85.67 union all

    select 1 , 'English' , 77.64 union all

    select 2 , 'Math' , 85.65 union all

    select 2 , 'English' , 77.68 union all

    select 3 , 'Math' , 99.49 union all

    select 3 , 'English' , 77.50


    select Studentid , sum(Score) , Sum(Rounded)

    from #ranks

    group by Studentid

    -- Notice how Student 1 and 2 share the same Score if rounded , now who gets first rank?

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]