• Actually I have a server with about 50 databases (out of about 100 on the instance) I want change from daily backups to weekly backups within the backup solution we already have. When it is only one database there is a table for exceptions to the default backup policy where I would just insert a row with the name of the database and the backup schedule I want. I don't want to manually run 50 insert statements, so I'm writing a script to loop through the database names and add the necessary record for each affected database. I also don't want to launch 50 database backups at the same time, so I'm using a variable @BKTime, adding 12-15 minutes to it each time the loop runs to and writing the value into the char(5) StartTime column to stagger the backup start times.

    It is interesting that I generally avoid implicit conversions because I understand that they can cause problems, but this is another example of how for everything you CAN do in SQL Server, there exists a scenario where it is appropriate to do it.