• ChrisM@Work (10/8/2015)

    Jeff Moden (10/7/2015)

    Jason A. Long (10/7/2015)

    Jeff Moden (9/6/2015)

    Grant Fritchey (9/6/2015)

    Jeff Moden (9/6/2015)

    Grant Fritchey (9/6/2015)

    You've shown very simplistic queries that are hitting entire data sets. Your tuning opportunities here are limited to what you can do with hardware.

    +1000... unless maybe it's a "go fetch me a yard of chowline, bucket o' steam, and a left handed crescent wrench" question for a newbie like what used to happen on the boats.

    We need a BT punch. Go get one.


    Does that mean I don't actually need to change the air in my tires?

    No. You still need to do that. Use a Jack of all Trades to lift the wheel, first. And make sure that you don't break the knutten-valve by accidental use of a Klein-Schmidt. ๐Ÿ˜‰ When you're done, put the sawdust pump back where you got it, and don't break the greekurn in the process. If you can't find a Klein-Schmidt, a hammerfor will do. Don't forget the relative-bearing grease on the gyro.

    Don't forget the Portuguese hand-pump.

    I used to work in a print shop that actually did have long weights and short weights. That led to fun with new people arguing that they'd heard that one before until they were shown that we really did use long weights.

    On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
    โ€”Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

    How to post a question to get the most help http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537