• Welsh Corgi (10/5/2015)

    Michael L John (10/5/2015)

    Do yourself a favor. Invest in yourself.

    Look at this site:


    Read this series. Almost all of your questions are answered in this series.

    There are numerous articles on monitoring replication. Google that.

    Open "Replication Monitor". Poke around in there. You can see the status of everything in there. It's covered in the Stairway series.

    Google "Hillary Cotter" He's a replication guru. Go to "ReplicationAnswers.com" This is a little dated, but it's still relevant.

    ok, sorry. No excuse but I have a lot going on.

    It would be nice have a first hand recommendation with someone that has used these tolls

    Thank you.

    No apologies needed.

    But the stairway series WAS written by someone in the trenches. It IS a first hand recommendation. All of the answers you are looking for are in this series of articles. It probably takes more time to type these posts than to read the articles! 😀

    At least read the article on replicaton monitor. That will get you what you need!

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
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