• sknox (10/5/2015)

    if 1 = 0


    --add auditing table entry

    insert into audit_log(time, user, p)

    select getdate(), @@user_name, @PARAMETER;

    --IN FIX:5433 2014-01-02, removing audit detail logging

    --declare @audit_id int;

    --select @audit_id = scope_identity();

    --insert into audit_detail(log_id, type)

    --select @audit_id, 123;


    :crazy: Why would anyone ever do this instead of just commenting the code out?

    I have no idea why people don't comment or delete it but I see it so often in t-sql and app code, odd but true "if (1 == 0) { ..." i'll never understand it 🙂