• JustMarie (10/5/2015)

    Taking out the name and parameters makes sense. Those are already in the code.

    I don't agree with taking out the descriptive parts because stored procedures can and will be pulled from the database. Without that information it's useless to have a quick look at a stored procedure to see what's been going on.

    Something we add to our template is a section that shows how the sproc is called including the EXEC. It's a handy way to select and run it as well as do a copy-paste as needed.

    Version control is great but think about how people dig into the database and work outside of version control even when they should know better.

    I think that people shouldn't be messing with the database, what we need is a proper development process that goes through testing and review rather than just changing stuff and seeing what happens - imagine if you deployed a cpp app and the ops team changed the assembly code to fix issues - that would be seen as mostly ridiculous :).

    Just because you can change the database code pretty easily really doesn't mean that you should 🙂