Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) How to calculate Time difference between 2 ranges and tally up each hour???? RE: How to calculate Time difference between 2 ranges and tally up each hour????

  • -- you say you have a remote server, and lookin back thro the various code

    -- you have sent me I am not sure which is/is not relevant

    -- therefore please insert your code of choice below where indcated for your two exg queries

    -- you will note, I hope, that the latter part of the code references the names of the ctes we have created

    -- and are not random #names

    -- if you need to declare variables put them here

    -- note the semicolon (this has been explained to you)

    ; -- this is the semi colon

    WITH roomhours (hour_number ,hour_description) as


    SELECT 0, '12 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '1 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '2 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '3 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '4 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, '5 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 6, '6 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 7, '7 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 8, '8 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 9, '9 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 10, '10 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 11, '11 am' UNION ALL

    SELECT 12, '12 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 13, '1 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 14, '2 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 15, '3 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 16, '4 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 17, '5 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 18, '6 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 19, '7 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 20, '8 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 21, '9 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 22, '10 pm' UNION ALL

    SELECT 23, '11 pm' )

    , roombookdata as (--insert your room query here between the round brackets-- )

    , pclogdata as ( --insert your pc query here between the round brackets--)

    , pcsummary as (



    , r.hour_description

    , p.machine

    , p.logontime

    , p.logofftime

    FROM roomhours AS r LEFT OUTER JOIN

    pclogdata p ON r.hour_number >= p.logonhour

    and r.hour_number < p.logoffhour)

    , pctotal as (



    , COUNT(DISTINCT machine) AS pclogin

    FROM pcsummary



    , hour_description


    , roomsummary as (



    , r.hour_description

    , i.description

    , i.StartDateTime

    , i.EndDateTime

    , i.Name

    FROM roomhours AS r LEFT OUTER JOIN

    roombookdata AS i ON r.hour_number >= DATEPART(hh , i.StartDateTime)

    AND r.hour_number < DATEPART(hh , i.EndDateTime)




    , rs.description

    , rs.StartDateTime

    , rs.EndDateTime

    , rs.Name

    , pt.pclogin

    FROM roomsummary AS rs INNER JOIN

    pctotal AS pt ON rs.hour_description = pt.hour_description



    edit typo

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day