• Siten0308 (9/23/2015)

    1. has a database about 100gigs ish, but the transaction log file are about 5-10kb, I want to log ship from prime location to secondary, will I run into issues if I log ship to migrate the database?

    In a recent role I logshipped a large database from the UK to Arizona, so ,no I wouldn't expect you to 😉

    Siten0308 (9/23/2015)

    2. When I do log shipping on the prime database, will that ever lock any tables or the database when performing the log shipping? I am planning on doing a backup and restore then using log shipping to point to secondary restore database on secondary.

    no, do you understand how log shipping works?

    Log backups are shipped between the 2 endpoints and restored on the secondary

    Siten0308 (9/23/2015)

    3. to do the cut over, I read that you ONLY need to stop the services of log shipping, which are a total of 3, 2 at prime location and 1 at secondary location, Then take 1 final transaction log backup manually and restore it to secondary location, does that sound right?

    thanks in advance all 🙂

    sounds about right, are both sql servers the same edition and version


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉