• Here is further error description:- Description: Failed to load task "SFTP Task", type "". The contact information for this task is "cosmin.vlasiu@gmail.com".

    When I right click SSIS package and run it it works fine.

    But I am using dtexec utility in sql 2014 to run this package and its giving me these errors.

    The Package is located in 64 bit directory at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\DTS\Packages\Package.dtsx

    To run below code i need to bring package in msdb database as well which I did.

    Here is my cmd,

    DECLARE @sqlquery AS VARCHAR(2000)

    DECLARE @ServerName VARCHAR(200) = 'XYZ'

    SET @sqlquery = 'DTExec /SQL ^"\Package^" '

    SET @sqlquery = @sqlquery + ' /SET \Package.Variables[ServerName].Value;^"'+ @ServerName + '^"'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sqlquery