• Manic Star (9/10/2015)

    Jeff Moden (9/9/2015)

    Manic Star (9/9/2015)

    JSON is evil incarnate. XML's bastard sibling at best.


    I LOVE IT! A kindred spirit!!!! 🙂

    My first encounter with it was someone sending me a data feed in it. They said it was 'like xml'.

    One large powershell script later to read the thing and stuff its contents into a staging database, I was cursing it. Then I had an epiphany, it has 'java' in its name, we all know who pushes Java on the world, and that is the master bastion of evil and decrepitude.


    JSON is extremely easy to consume in PowerShell. Lets say you have the JSON values in a string variable named $jsonData. You can convert it to a PowerShell object by simply using the convertfrom-json command (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849898.aspx).

    $myObj = ConvertFrom-Json $jsonData
