SSRS 2008RS IsNothing() Not Working in List Embedded within Matrix

  • Hi All,

    First post. I have a matrix with one row group for account name and one column group for each month. I need to show revenue, gross profit, and margin for each account. The business user wants to export the report to Excel so they can sort by account name and some other fields so to enable this I need revenue, gross profit and margin to display in one cell for each month so that each account will only have one row associated with it.

    To accomplish this, I embedded a list within the month column group and created placeholders for each field - revenue, gross profit and margin. Not every account will have data for each month so I have used IsNothing() to show $0 for months with no data. For example, the revenue formula is =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!Revenue.Value),0,Fields!Revenue.Value). This works fine for months with data but for months without data the result is just blank as it was originally, rather than $0 as expected.

    Interestingly, if I use the same formula, =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!Revenue.Value),0,Fields!Revenue.Value), in the matrix itself (not in an embedded list) it works properly by displaying revenue when it exists and $0 when it does not. I can't seem to figure out why IsNothing() isn't working in my embedded list. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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