• Jeff Moden (9/2/2015)

    GilaMonster (9/2/2015)

    Jeff Moden (8/28/2015)

    Before you go to all that trouble, try changing "postalid" to "*" or "1" in the not exists and see what happens.

    That won't do anything. The SELECT list for an exists is completely ignored, it's not processed in any way. You can put SELECT 1/0 in an EXISTS and it'll still run fine.

    Thanks for dispelling another old myth, Gail. :blush: I'm embarrassed to admit that I've never tested the myth. That 1/0 thing looks like a way to have some fun with someone's mind. 🙂

    Yes it does, and it happened to me. :hehe:

    Gail, you posted something like that somewhere before and I thought it was the most counter-intuitive thing I'd seen in a long time. It does, however, illustrate the point very clearly and I thought the way you proved it with the 1 / 0 was brilliant. I tested it several different ways and tried to find that post again to compliment you on your proof, but I couldn't find the thread.

    Since it's come up again here, I have another chance. Thank you for the irrefutable proof. Very nicely illustrated.